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Use an Exe Internal Virtual File System @ RunTime

Title: use an Exe Internal Virtual File System @ RunTime? {********************************************************************* This Sourcecode is Freeware i.e Credit-Ware: you should say e.g. "Thanks to Cybergen" if you use it in your software. At least, it would be ^^ nice. Cybergen *********************************************************************} { Reference: bool : csi_fat_available bool : csi_fat_get_file_list(files:tstringlist) cardinal : cis_load_file(fn:string;p:pointer) bool : cis_save_file(fn:string) bool : cis_delete_file(fn:string) bool : cis_file_exists(fn:string) CIS-FAT - Code: [Cybergen Internal Small - File Allocation Table] } (* CSI-FAT - START *) function RunProg(Cmd, WorkDir: string): string; var tsi: TStartupInfo; tpi: TProcessInformation; nRead: DWORD; aBuf: array[0..101] of Char; sa: TSecurityAttributes; hOutputReadTmp, hOutputRead, hOutputWrite, hInputWriteTmp, hInputRead, hInputWrite, hErrorWrite: THandle; FOutput: string; begin FOutput := ''; sa.nLength := SizeOf(TSecurityAttributes); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor := nil; sa.bInheritHandle := True; CreatePipe(hOutputReadTmp, hOutputWrite, @sa, 0); DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), hOutputWrite, GetCurrentProcess(), @hErrorWrite, 0, True, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); CreatePipe(hInputRead, hInputWriteTmp, @sa, 0); // Create new output read handle and the input write handle. Set // the inheritance properties to FALSE. Otherwise, the child inherits // the these handles; resulting in non-closeable handles to the pipes // being created. DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), hOutputReadTmp, GetCurrentProcess(), @hOutputRead, 0, False, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), hInputWriteTmp, GetCurrentProcess(), @hInputWrite, 0, False, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); CloseHandle(hOutputReadTmp); CloseHandle(hInputWriteTmp); FillChar(tsi, SizeOf(TStartupInfo), 0); tsi.cb := SizeOf(TStartupInfo); tsi.dwFlags := STARTF_USESTDHANDLES or STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; tsi.hStdInput := hInputRead; tsi.hStdOutput := hOutputWrite; tsi.hStdError := hErrorWrite; CreateProcess(nil, PChar(Cmd), @sa, @sa, True, 0, nil, PChar(WorkDir), tsi, tpi); CloseHandle(hOutputWrite); CloseHandle(hInputRead); CloseHandle(hErrorWrite); Application.ProcessMessages; repeat if (not ReadFile(hOutputRead, aBuf, 16, nRead, nil)) or (nRead = 0) then begin if GetLastError = ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE then Break else MessageDlg('Pipe read error, could not execute file', mtError, [mbOK], 0); end; aBuf[nRead] := #0; FOutput := FOutput + PChar(@aBuf[0]); Application.ProcessMessages; until False; Result := FOutput; //GetExitCodeProcess(tpi.hProcess, nRead) = True; end; type PImageDosHeader = ^TImageDosHeader; TImageDosHeader = packed record e_magic: Word; e_ignore: packed array[0..28] of Word; _lfanew: Longint; end; function GetExeSize: Cardinal; var p: PChar; i, NumSections: Integer; begin Result := 0; p := Pointer(hinstance); Inc(p, PImageDosHeader(p)._lfanew + SizeOf(DWORD)); NumSections := PImageFileHeader(p).NumberOfSections; Inc(p, SizeOf(TImageFileHeader) + SizeOf(TImageOptionalHeader)); for i := 1 to NumSections do begin with PImageSectionHeader(p)^ do if PointerToRawData + SizeOfRawData Result then Result := PointerToRawData + SizeOfRawData; Inc(p, SizeOf(TImageSectionHeader)); end; end; function csi_fat_available: Boolean; var f: file; head: Word; nr: Integer; begin Result := False; filemode := 0; assignfile(f, ParamStr(0)); reset(f, 1); head := 0; if filesize(f) = getexesize then begin closefile(f); Exit; end; seek(f, getexesize); blockread(f, head, 2,nr); if (head = $12FE) and (nr = 2) then Result := True; closefile(f); filemode := 2; end; function csi_fat_get_file_list(var files: TStringList): Boolean; type tfileentry = record FileName: string[255]; filesize: Cardinal; end; var f: file; i, num, head: Word; nr: Integer; tfe: tfileentry; begin Result := False; filemode := 0; assignfile(f, ParamStr(0)); reset(f, 1); seek(f, getexesize); blockread(f, head, 2,nr); if not ((head = $12FE) and (nr = 2)) then begin Result := False; closefile(f); Exit; end; blockread(f, num, 2,nr); if (nr 2) then begin Result := False; closefile(f); Exit; end; for i := 1 to num do begin blockread(f, tfe, SizeOf(tfe), nr); if nr SizeOf(tfe) then begin Result := False; closefile(f); Exit; end; files.Add(tfe.FileName); end; closefile(f); filemode := 2; Result := True; end; function cis_load_file(fn: string; var p: Pointer): Cardinal; type tfileentry = record FileName: string[255]; filesize: Cardinal; end; var f: file; i, num, head: Word; nr: Longint; tfe: tfileentry; fofs: Cardinal; begin Result := 0; filemode := 0; assignfile(f, ParamStr(0)); reset(f, 1); fofs := getexesize; seek(f, fofs); blockread(f, head, 2,nr); Inc(fofs, 2); if not ((head = $12FE) and (nr = 2)) then begin Result := 0; closefile(f); Exit; end; blockread(f, num, 2,nr); Inc(fofs, 2); if (nr 2) then begin Result := 0; closefile(f); Exit; end; for i := 1 to num do begin blockread(f, tfe, SizeOf(tfe), nr); Inc(fofs, SizeOf(tfe)); if nr SizeOf(tfe) then begin Result := 0; closefile(f); Exit; end; if (lowercase(tfe.FileName) = lowercase(fn)) then begin seek(f, fofs); getmem(p, tfe.filesize); blockread(f, p^, tfe.filesize, nr); if (nr tfe.filesize) then begin ShowMessage('Unable to Load whole file'); freemem(p, tfe.filesize); Result := tfe.filesize; filemode := 2; Exit; end; Result := tfe.filesize; closefile(f); ShowMessage('Loaded'); filemode := 2; Exit; end; Inc(fofs, tfe.filesize); end; closefile(f); // file nicht im CIS ShowMessage('File not in CIS loading Orig. Destination'); assignfile(f, fn); reset(f, 1); getmem(p, tfe.filesize); blockread(f, p^, filesize(f)); closefile(f); filemode := 2; Result := 0; end; function cis_file_exists(fn: string): Boolean; var files: TStringList; i: Word; begin Result := False; files := TStringList.Create; csi_fat_get_file_list(files); for i := 1 to files.Count do if i then if lowercase(files[i - 1]) = lowercase(fn) then Result := True; files.Free; end; procedure FileCopy(const sourcefilename, targetfilename: string); var S, T: TFileStream; begin filemode := 2; S := TFileStream.Create(sourcefilename, fmOpenRead); try T := TFileStream.Create(targetfilename, fmOpenWrite or fmCreate); try T.CopyFrom(S, S.Size); finally T.Free; end; finally S.Free; end; end; function randname: string; var i: Integer; s: string; begin Randomize; s := ''; for i := 1 to 20 do s := s + chr(Ord('a') + Random(26)); Result := s; end; procedure _filecopy(von, nach: string); var f: file; c, cmd: string; begin filemode := 2; ShowMessage(von + ' - ' + nach); cmd := 'cmd'; if fileexists('cmd.exe') then cmd := 'cmd'; if fileexists('c:\') then cmd := ''; c := 'ren ' + nach + ' ' + randname; runprog(cmd + ' /c ' + c, GetCurrentDir); assignfile(f, von); rename(f, nach); end; function cis_delete_file(fn: string): Boolean; type tfileentry = record FileName: string[255]; filesize: Cardinal; end; var f, o: file; nrr, nr: Integer; exes: Longint; j, i, num, w: Word; tfe: tfileentry; tfel: array[1..$ff] of tfileentry; p: Pointer; begin if not cis_file_exists(fn) then begin Result := False; Exit; end; assignfile(f, ParamStr(0)); reset(f, 1); assignfile(o, ParamStr(0) + '.tmp'); rewrite(o, 1); exes := getexesize; // nur die exe kopieren getmem(p, exes); blockread(f, p^, exes); blockwrite(o, p^, exes); freemem(p, exes); blockread(f, w, 2); blockread(f, num, 2); Dec(num); // cis-header schreiben w := $12FE; blockwrite(o, w, 2); blockwrite(o, num, 2); // jetzt alle files außer "fn" kopieren // aber erst die FAT fillchar(tfel, SizeOf(tfel), 0); for i := 1 to num + 1 do begin blockread(f, tfe, SizeOf(tfe)); move(tfe, tfel[i], SizeOf(tfe)); if lowercase(tfe.FileName) lowercase(fn) then blockwrite(o, tfe, SizeOf(tfe)); end; // jetzt noch die file daten einkopieren for i := 1 to num + 1 do begin getmem(p, tfel[i].filesize); blockread(f, p^, tfel[i].filesize); if lowercase(tfe.FileName) lowercase(fn) then // copy block blockwrite(o, p^, tfel[i].filesize); freemem(p, tfel[i].filesize); end; closefile(f); closefile(o); _filecopy(ParamStr(0) + '.tmp', ParamStr(0)); end; function cis_append_file(fn: string): Boolean; type tfileentry = record FileName: string[255]; filesize: Cardinal; end; var f, o, s: file; exes: Longint; p: Pointer; i, w, num: Word; tfe: tfileentry; fs: Cardinal; nwr: Cardinal; begin assignfile(f, ParamStr(0)); reset(f, 1); assignfile(o, ParamStr(0) + '.tmp'); rewrite(o, 1); exes := getexesize; if not csi_fat_available then begin // create cis getmem(p, exes); blockread(f, p^, exes); blockwrite(o, p^, exes); freemem(p, exes); // create fat-header w := $12FE; blockwrite(o, w, 2); num := 1; blockwrite(o, num, 2); tfe.FileName := fn; // copy file assignfile(s, fn); reset(s, 1); tfe.filesize := filesize(s); getmem(p, filesize(s)); blockwrite(o, tfe, SizeOf(tfe)); blockread(s, p^, filesize(s)); blockwrite(o, p^, filesize(s)); freemem(p, filesize(s)); closefile(s); closefile(f); closefile(o); _filecopy(ParamStr(0) + '.tmp', ParamStr(0)); Result := True; Exit; end; // nur die exe kopieren getmem(p, exes); blockread(f, p^, exes); blockwrite(o, p^, exes); freemem(p, exes); blockread(f, w, 2); blockread(f, num, 2); Inc(num); // cis-header schreiben w := $12FE; blockwrite(o, w, 2); blockwrite(o, num, 2); // copy all file entrys for i := 1 to num - 1 do begin blockread(f, tfe, SizeOf(tfe)); blockwrite(o, tfe, SizeOf(tfe)); end; tfe.FileName := fn; assignfile(s, fn); reset(s, 1); tfe.filesize := filesize(s); blockwrite(o, tfe, SizeOf(tfe)); fs := filesize(f); getmem(p, fs); blockread(f, p^, fs, nwr); blockwrite(o, p^, nwr); freemem(p, fs); getmem(p, fs); blockread(f, p^, fs); blockwrite(o, p^, fs); freemem(p, fs); closefile(f); closefile(o); _filecopy(ParamStr(0) + '.tmp', ParamStr(0)); Result := True; end; function cis_save_file(fn: string): Boolean; begin if not cis_file_exists(fn) then cis_append_file(fn) else begin cis_delete_file(fn); cis_save_file(fn); end; end; (* CSI-FAT - STOP *) // -------------- Howto Use: ----------------------------------------- // ... some code ... // if file is not in the VFS load it into .. if not cis_file_exists('e:\xm\shold.xm') then cis_save_file('e:\xm\shold.xm'); // Load File cis_load_file('e:\xm\shold.xm', muke); // ... some code ... play(muke); {+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ What it does and how it does: The CIS-FAT-System binds File of any Kind at the End of an Executable (EXE-Binder) but it also have a nice File-Table and you can "Dynamically" save, delete & load Files. It is possible for example to Code the Binary with all single Files external ... After a Little Check you can modifiy your code that way that the CIS-FAT on First Start automatically load all nesseary Files into the Binary-FS. So can add Music, Movies, Images ... all in one Big-File. The best is that you can use Static-Filenames! For example: // This Line loads an External File into the Binary if its not already in it. if not cis_file_exists('e:\xm\shold.xm') then cis_save_file('e:\xm\shold.xm'); // This Line access the File in the Binary, if its not in it uses the // External Version of the File. cis_load_file('e:\xm\shold.xm',muke); So there is no need to change Filenames. Yours Cybergen. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++}