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THvHQuery for exporting query to CSV file

Title: THvHQuery for exporting query to CSV file. Question: Sometimes you need a quick solution for exporting a TQuery result to a CSV file. Answer: Register the next component to your component pallet. How to use: You can use the property editor to fill in the filename to write too. You can specify if you want to write the Fieldnames (CSVHeaders). You can specify if you want to append to the file. You have to implement your own error handling strategy for the opening of the file. The propery for returning the FileError is there already. unit HvHQuery; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Db, DBTables; type THvHQuery = class(TQuery) private { Private declarations } FFileName: string; FErrorCodeWriteCSV: integer; FCSVHeaders: boolean; FErrorCode: integer; FAppendToCSVFile: boolean; F:TextFile; procedure SetCSVHeader(Value: boolean); procedure SetErrorCode(Value: integer); procedure WriteCSVHeaders; procedure WriteCSVValues; protected { Protected declarations } public procedure WriteCSVFile; { Public declarations } published { Published declarations } property FileName: string read FFileName write FFileName; property ErrorCode: integer read FErrorCodeWriteCSV write SetErrorCode; property CSVHeaders: boolean read FCSVHeaders write SetCSVHeader default False; property AppendToCSVFile: boolean read FAppendToCSVFile write FAppendToCSVFile default False; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('HvH', [THvHQuery]); end; procedure THvHQuery.SetCSVHeader(value: boolean); begin FCSVHeaders := Value; end; procedure THvHQuery.SetErrorCode(Value: integer); begin FErrorCode := Value; end; procedure THvHQuery.WriteCSVHeaders; var i: integer; begin if FCSVHeaders then begin i := 0; While i Write (F, format('"%s"', [Fields[i].FieldName])); if i Write (F, ';') else WriteLn(F); i := i + 1; end; end; end; procedure THvHQuery.WriteCSVValues; var i: integer; begin i := 0; While i Write (F, '"' + Fields[i].Text + '"'); if i Write (F, ';') else WriteLn(F); i := i + 1; end; end; procedure THvHQuery.WriteCSVFile; var i: integer; begin AssignFile(F, FFileName); if FAppendToCSVFile then System.Append(F) else ReWrite(F); First; WriteCSVHeaders; while not EOF do begin WriteCSVValues; Next; end; CloseFile(F); end; end.