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Categories / Delphi / Files

Run a program or open an associated file

Title: run a program or open an associated file? { Open a file or starts a programm (without parameters) } procedure OpenFile(FileName: string); var c: array[0..800] of Char; begin StrPCopy(c, FileName); ShellExecute(Application.Handle, 'open', c, nil, nil, SW_NORMAL); end; { Starts a programm with commandline parameters } procedure OpenProgram(prog, params: string); var c, p: array[0..800] of Char; begin StrPCopy(c, prog); StrPCopy(p, params); ShellExecute(Application.Handle, 'open', c, p, nil, SW_NORMAL); end; { Starts a program and wait until its terminated: WindowState is of the SW_xxx constants } function ExecAndWait(const FileName, Params: string; WindowState: Word): Boolean; var SUInfo: TStartupInfo; ProcInfo: TProcessInformation; CmdLine: string; begin { Enclose filename in quotes to take care of long filenames with spaces. } CmdLine := '"' + FileName + '"' + Params; FillChar(SUInfo, SizeOf(SUInfo), #0); with SUInfo do begin cb := SizeOf(SUInfo); dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; wShowWindow := WindowState; end; Result := CreateProcess(nil, PChar(CmdLine), nil, nil, False, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE or NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil, PChar(ExtractFilePath(FileName)), SUInfo, ProcInfo); { Wait for it to finish. } if Result then WaitForSingleObject(ProcInfo.hProcess, INFINITE); end; { Execute a complete shell command line and waits until terminated. } function ExecCmdLineAndWait(const CmdLine: string; WindowState: Word): Boolean; var SUInfo: TStartupInfo; ProcInfo: TProcessInformation; begin { Enclose filename in quotes to take care of long filenames with spaces. } FillChar(SUInfo, SizeOf(SUInfo), #0); with SUInfo do begin cb := SizeOf(SUInfo); dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; wShowWindow := WindowState; end; Result := CreateProcess(nil, PChar(CmdLine), nil, nil, False, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE or NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil, nil {PChar(ExtractFilePath(Filename))}, SUInfo, ProcInfo); { Wait for it to finish. } if Result then WaitForSingleObject(ProcInfo.hProcess, INFINITE); end; { Execute a complete shell command line without waiting. } function OpenCmdLine(const CmdLine: string; WindowState: Word): Boolean; var SUInfo: TStartupInfo; ProcInfo: TProcessInformation; begin { Enclose filename in quotes to take care of long filenames with spaces. } FillChar(SUInfo, SizeOf(SUInfo), #0); with SUInfo do begin cb := SizeOf(SUInfo); dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; wShowWindow := WindowState; end; Result := CreateProcess(nil, PChar(CmdLine), nil, nil, False, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE or NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil, nil {PChar(ExtractFilePath(Filename))}, SUInfo, ProcInfo); end;