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Retrieving folder size

Title: Retrieving folder size Question: This function tells you how many bytes a folder, with all subfolders and contained files is taking on a HD, CD, floppy or whatever. Answer: I'll put here just the code... that isn't very complicated: function FolderSize(fld: string):dword; var sr:tsearchrec; r:integer; s:dword; begin fld:=includetrailingbackslash(fld); s:=0; r:=findfirst((fld+'*.*'),faanyfile,sr); while(r=0)do begin application.processmessages; if((sr.attr and fadirectory)0)then begin if(('.')and('..'))then s:=s+foldersize(; end else S:=S+SR.FindData.nFileSizeLow; r:=findnext(sr); end; sysutils.findclose(sr); result:=s; end;