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How to touch a file with a specified datetime

Title: How to touch a file with a specified date/time Question: How do I change the date & time of a file specified as a string? Answer: Often A file's time is set to represent a version number. For example the datetime may be January 27, 2000 1:03:00AM to represent version 1 patch 3. This unit presents a procedure which takes two parameters, A file path/name specified as a string and a DateTime. The specified file's date & time will be changed to match the DateTime specified. unit Fileutil; interface uses System, SysUtils; {To Change the Date/Time of a file} procedure TouchFile(FileName: string; Date: TDateTime); implementation procedure TouchFile(FileName: string; Date: TDateTime); var TheFile: File; begin AssignFile(TheFile, FileName); Reset(TheFile); FileSetDate( TFileRec(TheFile).Handle, DateTimeToFileDate(Date)); Close(TheFile); end; end.