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How to store a file into a component

Title: How to store a file into a component Question: When you want to create a lite install program and dont want to use Install Shield, Wise or any other installer that makes tons of discs. Put your files into your delphi project at design time and then just compile it to get all into one file. You can even store waves and play it withou the need to create a file, play it from memory. Answer: I separated this task in two units: 1- Contains the base class for the component that store binary data (a file) and the property editor. 2- Contains the decendants with implements storing a file and storing a wave file with options to play it from memory. First unit: ================================================ unit lStored; interface uses {$IFDEF WIN32}Windows{$ELSE}WinProcs, WinTypes{$ENDIF}, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, DSGNINTF; type TStoredDataProperty = class(TPropertyEditor) function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override; function GetValue: string; override; procedure Edit; override; end; TStoredDataEditor = class(TComponentEditor) function GetVerbCount: integer; override; function GetVerb(Index: integer): string; override; procedure ExecuteVerb(Index: integer); override; end; TStoredData = class(TComponent) protected FFilename : string; DataHandle: THandle; DataBuffer: Pointer; DataSize : {$IFDEF WIN32}Integer{$ELSE}LongInt{$ENDIF}; DataStream: TFileStream; procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler);override; procedure ReadData(Reader: TStream); procedure WriteData(Writer: TStream); procedure SetData(Filename: string); virtual; procedure Clear; property StoredData: string read FFilename write SetData; public procedure SaveToFile(NewFilename: string); property PointerOfBuffer: Pointer read DataBuffer; property SizeOfBuffer: {$IFDEF WIN32}Integer{$ELSE}LongInt{$ENDIF} read DataSize; end; implementation {$IFNDEF WIN32} function GetFileSize(Filename: string): LongInt; var F : file of byte; begin result:=0; AssignFile(F, Filename); Reset(F); result:=FileSize(F); CloseFile(F); end; {$ENDIF} {--- Component Methods ---} procedure TStoredData.SetData(Filename: string); begin if Filename='' then begin if DataSize0 then begin GlobalUnlock(DataHandle); GlobalFree(DataHandle); DataSize:=0; FFilename:=''; end; exit; end; if (not (csReading in ComponentState)) and (not (csLoading in ComponentState)) then begin if not FileExists(Filename) then begin MessageDlg('Invalid filename! File does not exists.',mtError,[mbOk],0); exit; end; FFilename:=ExtractFileName(Filename); if DataSize0 then begin GlobalUnlock(DataHandle); GlobalFree(DataHandle); DataSize:=0; end; {$IFNDEF WIN32} DataSize:=GetFileSize(Filename); {$ENDIF} try DataStream:=TFileStream.Create(Filename,fmOpenRead); {$IFDEF WIN32} DataSize:=GetFileSize(DataStream.Handle, @DataSize); {$ENDIF} DataHandle:=GlobalAlloc(GHND,DataSize); DataBuffer:=GlobalLock(DataHandle); DataStream.Read(DataBuffer^, DataSize); DataStream.Free; except DataSize:=0; end; end; end; procedure TStoredData.SaveToFile(NewFilename: string); begin if DataSize0 then begin if NewFilename='' then begin with TSaveDialog.Create(Self) do try Title:='Save To File'; DefaultExt:='*.*'; Filter:='All Files (*.*)|*.*'; Filename:=FFilename; Options:=[ofOverwritePrompt,ofHideReadOnly,ofPathMustExist]; if Execute then NewFilename:=Filename; finally free; end; end; if NewFilename'' then with TFileStream.Create(NewFilename, fmCreate) do try Write(DataBuffer^, DataSize); finally free; end; end else MessageDlg('No data stored!',mtError,[mbOk],0); end; procedure TStoredData.Clear; begin SetData(''); end; {--- Property Editor ---} function TStoredDataProperty.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; begin result:=[paDialog, paReadOnly]; end; function TStoredDataProperty.GetValue: string; begin if TStoredData(GetComponent(0)).DataSize0 then result:='(StoredData)' else result:='(Empty)'; end; procedure TStoredDataProperty.Edit; begin with TOpenDialog.Create(TStoredData(GetComponent(0))) do try Title:='Open File To Store'; DefaultExt:='*.*'; Filter:='All Files (*.*)|*.*'; Filename:=TStoredData(GetComponent(0)).StoredData; Options:=[ofHideReadOnly,ofPathMustExist,ofFileMustExist,ofNoTestFileCreate]; if Execute then begin TStoredData(GetComponent(0)).SetData(Filename); Designer.Modified; end; finally free; end; end; {--- Component Editor ---} function TStoredDataEditor.GetVerbCount: integer; begin result:=3; end; function TStoredDataEditor.GetVerb(Index: integer): string; begin case Index of 0 : result:='Store'; 1 : result:='Save To File'; 2 : result:='Clear'; end; end; procedure TStoredDataEditor.ExecuteVerb(Index: integer); begin case Index of 0 : with TOpenDialog.Create(Component) do try Title:='Open File To Store'; DefaultExt:='*.*'; Filter:='All Files (*.*)|*.*'; Filename:=TStoredData(Component).StoredData; Options:=[ofHideReadOnly,ofPathMustExist,ofFileMustExist,ofNoTestFileCreate]; if Execute then begin TStoredData(Component).SetData(Filename); Designer.Modified; end; finally free; end; 1 : TStoredData(Component).SaveToFile(''); 2 : begin TStoredData(Component).Clear; Designer.Modified; end; end; end; procedure TStoredData.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); begin inherited DefineProperties(Filer); Filer.DefineBinaryProperty('DataBuffer', ReadData, WriteData, DataSize0); end; procedure TStoredData.ReadData(Reader: TStream); begin Reader.Read(DataSize, Sizeof(DataSize)); DataHandle:=GlobalAlloc(GHND,DataSize); DataBuffer:=GlobalLock(DataHandle); Reader.Read(DataBuffer^, DataSize); end; procedure TStoredData.WriteData(Writer: TStream); begin Writer.Write(DataSize, Sizeof(DataSize)); Writer.Write(DataBuffer^, DataSize); end; end. ================================================ Second unit ================================================ unit cStored; interface uses lStored, Classes, SysUtils, Dialogs, WinProcs, mmSystem, DSGNINTF, Forms; type TStoredFile = class(TStoredData) published property StoredData; end; {--- Property Editor for Wave Files ---} TStoredWaveProperty = class(TPropertyEditor) function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override; function GetValue: string; override; procedure Edit; override; end; {--- Component Editor for Wave Files ---} TStoredWaveEditor = class(TComponentEditor) function GetVerbCount: integer; override; function GetVerb(Index: integer): string; override; procedure ExecuteVerb(Index: integer); override; end; TStoredWave = class(TStoredData) protected function IsWave(Filename: string): boolean; procedure SetData(Filename: string);override; public procedure Play; procedure Stop; procedure SaveToFile(NewFilename: string); published property StoredWave: string read FFilename write SetData; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponentEditor(TStoredData, TStoredDataEditor); RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(string), TStoredData, 'StoredData',TStoredDataProperty); RegisterComponentEditor(TStoredWave, TStoredWaveEditor); RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(string), TStoredWave, 'StoredWave',TStoredDataProperty); RegisterComponents('Samples', [TStoredFile,TStoredWave]); end; {--- Component Methods ---} procedure TStoredWave.SetData(Filename: string); begin if FileExists(Filename) then if not IsWave(Filename) then begin MessageDlg('Invalid wave file!',mtError,[mbOk],0); exit; end; inherited SetData(Filename); end; function TStoredWave.IsWave(Filename: string): boolean; var F : file; BuffHeader: array[1..12] of char; begin AssignFile(F, Filename); FileMode:=0; Reset(F,1); try BlockRead(F, BuffHeader, 12); result:=(Copy(BuffHeader, 1, 4)='RIFF') and (Copy(BuffHeader, 9, 4)='WAVE'); finally CloseFile(F); end; end; procedure TStoredWave.SaveToFile(NewFilename: string); begin if DataSize0 then begin if NewFilename='' then begin with TSaveDialog.Create(Self) do try Title:='Save To File'; DefaultExt:='*.wav'; Filter:='Wave Audio Files (*.wav)|*.wav'; Filename:=FFilename; Options:=[ofOverwritePrompt,ofHideReadOnly,ofPathMustExist]; if Execute then NewFilename:=Filename; finally free; end; end; if NewFilename'' then with TFileStream.Create(NewFilename, fmCreate) do try Write(DataBuffer^, DataSize); finally free; end; end else MessageDlg('No wave stored!',mtError,[mbOk],0); end; procedure TStoredWave.Play; begin if DataSize0 then begin sndPlaySound(DataBuffer, SND_MEMORY or SND_ASYNC); end; end; procedure TStoredWave.Stop; begin sndPlaySound(nil, 0); end; {--- Property Editor ---} function TStoredWaveProperty.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; begin result:=[paDialog, paReadOnly]; end; function TStoredWaveProperty.GetValue: string; begin if TStoredWave(GetComponent(0)).DataSize0 then result:='(StoredWave)' else result:='(Empty)'; end; procedure TStoredWaveProperty.Edit; begin with TOpenDialog.Create(TStoredWave(GetComponent(0))) do try Title:='Open Wave File To Store'; DefaultExt:='*.wav'; Filter:='Wave Audio Files (*.wav)|*.wav'; Filename:=TStoredWave(GetComponent(0)).StoredWave; Options:=[ofHideReadOnly,ofPathMustExist,ofFileMustExist,ofNoTestFileCreate]; if Execute then begin TStoredWave(GetComponent(0)).SetData(Filename); Designer.Modified; end; finally free; end; end; {--- Component Editor ---} function TStoredWaveEditor.GetVerbCount: integer; begin result:=5; end; function TStoredWaveEditor.GetVerb(Index: integer): string; begin case Index of 0 : result:='Store'; 1 : result:='Save To File'; 2 : result:='Clear'; 3 : result:='Play'; 4 : result:='Stop'; end; end; procedure TStoredWaveEditor.ExecuteVerb(Index: integer); begin case Index of 0 : with TOpenDialog.Create(Component) do try Title:='Open Wave File To Store'; DefaultExt:='*.wav'; Filter:='All Files (*.wav)|*.wav'; Filename:=TStoredWave(Component).StoredWave; Options:=[ofHideReadOnly,ofPathMustExist,ofFileMustExist,ofNoTestFileCreate]; if Execute then begin TStoredWave(Component).SetData(Filename); Designer.Modified; end; finally free; end; 1 : TStoredWave(Component).SaveToFile(''); 2 : begin TStoredWave(Component).Clear; Designer.Modified; end; 3 : TStoredWave(Component).Play; 4 : TStoredWave(Component).Stop; end; end; end. ================================================