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How to Split and Merge Files using Delphi code

Title: How to Split and Merge Files using Delphi code There are times when you need to split a large file into several smaller ones (for whatever the purpose is). The following two methods use Delphi TStream objects to break a file into several files with predefined size; and to merge those files back to the original. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ procedure SplitFile(FileName : TFileName; FilesByteSize : Integer) ; // FileName == file to split into several smaller files // FilesByteSize == the size of files in bytes var fs, ss: TFileStream; cnt : integer; SplitName: String; begin fs := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite) ; try for cnt := 1 to Trunc(fs.Size / FilesByteSize) + 1 do begin SplitName := ChangeFileExt(FileName, Format('%s%d', ['._',cnt])) ; ss := TFileStream.Create(SplitName, fmCreate or fmShareExclusive) ; try if fs.Size - fs.Position FilesByteSize := fs.Size - fs.Position; ss.CopyFrom(fs, FilesByteSize) ; finally ss.Free; end; end; finally fs.Free; end; end; Note: a 3 KB file 'myfile.ext' will be split into 'myfile._1', 'myfile._2','myfile._3' if FilesByteSize parameter equals 1024 (1 KB). procedure MergeFiles(FirstSplitFileName, OutFileName : TFileName) ; // FirstSplitFileName == the name of the first piece of the split file // OutFileName == the name of the resulting merged file var fs, ss: TFileStream; cnt: integer; begin cnt := 1; fs := TFileStream.Create(OutFileName, fmCreate or fmShareExclusive) ; try while FileExists(FirstSplitFileName) do begin ss := TFileStream.Create(FirstSplitFileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite) ; try fs.CopyFrom(ss, 0) ; finally ss.Free; end; Inc(cnt) ; FirstSplitFileName := ChangeFileExt(FirstSplitFileName, Format('%s%d', ['._',cnt])) ; end; finally fs.Free; end; end; Usage: SplitFile('c:\mypicture.bmp', 1024) ; //into 1 KB files ... MergeFiles('c:\mypicture._1','c:\mymergedpicture.bmp') ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~