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How to get paths of the folders in My Computer

Title: How to get paths of the folders in My Computer uses ActiveX, ShlObj; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var pShell, ShellFolder: IShellFolder; pidl: PITEMIDLIST; PMalloc: IMalloc; sName: string; EnumIDList: IEnumIDList; pceltFetched: ULONG; lpName: TStrRet; slDirectories: TStringList; begin slDirectories := TStringList.Create; try SHGetDesktopFolder(ShellFolder); SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(0,CSIDL_DRIVES, pidl); SHGetMalloc(PMalloc); ShellFolder.BindToObject(pidl, nil, IID_IShellFolder, Pointer(pShell)); pShell.EnumObjects(0,SHCONTF_FOLDERS, EnumIDList); while EnumIDList.Next(1,pidl, pceltFetched) = S_ok do begin pceltFetched := 0; lpName.uType := 0; pShell.GetDisplayNameOf(pidl, SHGDN_FORPARSING, lpName); sName := lpName.pOleStr; slDirectories.Add(sName); end; ListBox1.Items.Assign(sldirectories); finally pMalloc._Release; pMalloc := nil; slDirectories.Free; end;