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How to get a files size like Microsoft

Title: How to get a file's size like Microsoft Question: The windows API provides a number of different ways to return the size of a file, however all of the return values are in bytes. Using a library named SHLWAPI.DLL, you can return file sizes in a format like "1.32 MB". (just like Windows Explorer) Answer: //Use this API from SHLWAPI.DLL to format file sizes into proper strings like //Windows Explorer. The file SHLWAPI.DLL is shipped with IE4 and greater. The //file can be found with Windows 95 + IE4, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT4 //and Windows 2000. //To load the API implicitly you should add this line to your external dll's: //function StrFormatByteSizeA(dw: integer; pszBuf: PChar; cchBuf: integer): PChar; stdcall; external 'shlwapi.dll'; //You don't have to load the call implicitly if you use the function below: function GetFileSizeEx(iFile: integer): string; type TFileSizeEx = function(dw: integer; pszBuf: PChar; cchBuf: integer): PChar; stdcall; var shlwapi_handle: THandle; iFile_FileSize: integer; Calculate_Size: TFileSizeEx; lpSize: array [0..50] of char; begin if iFile 0 then begin iFile_FileSize := GetFileSize(iFile, nil); shlwapi_handle := LoadLibrary('shlwapi.dll'); if shlwapi_handle = 0 then Result := InttoStr(iFile_FileSize) + ' bytes' else begin @Calculate_Size := GetProcAddress(shlwapi_handle, 'StrFormatByteSizeA'); if @Calculate_Size = nil then Result := InttoStr(iFile_FileSize) + ' bytes' else begin Calculate_Size(iFile_FileSize, lpSize, 50); Result := lpSize; end; end; end else Result := 'File Not Found'; FreeLibrary(shlwapi_handle); end; //To use the GetFileSizeEx function, add code like this to a Button's click: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var iOpenFile: integer; begin iOpenFile := FileOpen('c:\windows\system.dat', fmShareCompat or fmShareDenyNone); ShowMessage(GetFileSizeEx(iOpenFile)); FileClose(iOpenFile); end;