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How to get a CRC 32 of a file

Title: How to get a CRC-32 of a file. Unit: CODE {$R- $Q- $O+} Unit d3_crc32; { original credits below. CRC32Update added by Modified from a version posted on the Pascal echo by Floor A.C. Naaijkens (note introduction of a Constant and a Function and making the Array a Constant outside of crc32() which should improve speed a lot; further references made to a C version in a File of Snippets from the (112 min left), (H)elp, More? C Echo marked as "Copyright (C) 1986 Gary S. Brown" (mostly to compare the large Arrays, which proved to be identical), and to "File verification using CRC" by Mark R. Nelson in Dr. Dobbs' Journal, May 1992. The latter provided the final piece of crucial information. Use: 1) Create a LongInt Variable For the CRC value; 2) Initialize this With CRCSeed; 3) Build the CRC Byte-by-Byte With CRC32(); 4) Finish With CRCend() (this was the part I found in Nelson). The result is a CRC value identical to that calculated by PKZip and ARJ. } Interface uses windows; Const CRCSeed = $ffffffff; CRC32tab : Array[0..255] of DWord = ( $00000000, $77073096, $ee0e612c, $990951ba, $076dc419, $706af48f, $e963a535, $9e6495a3, $0edb8832, $79dcb8a4, $e0d5e91e, $97d2d988, $09b64c2b, $7eb17cbd, $e7b82d07, $90bf1d91, $1db71064, $6ab020f2, $f3b97148, $84be41de, $1adad47d, $6ddde4eb, $f4d4b551, $83d385c7, $136c9856, $646ba8c0, $fd62f97a, $8a65c9ec, $14015c4f, $63066cd9, $fa0f3d63, $8d080df5, $3b6e20c8, $4c69105e, $d56041e4, $a2677172, $3c03e4d1, $4b04d447, $d20d85fd, $a50ab56b, $35b5a8fa, $42b2986c, $dbbbc9d6, $acbcf940, $32d86ce3, $45df5c75, $dcd60dcf, $abd13d59, $26d930ac, $51de003a, $c8d75180, $bfd06116, $21b4f4b5, $56b3c423, $cfba9599, $b8bda50f, $2802b89e, $5f058808, $c60cd9b2, $b10be924, $2f6f7c87, $58684c11, $c1611dab, $b6662d3d, $76dc4190, $01db7106, $98d220bc, $efd5102a, $71b18589, $06b6b51f, $9fbfe4a5, $e8b8d433, $7807c9a2, $0f00f934, $9609a88e, $e10e9818, $7f6a0dbb, $086d3d2d, $91646c97, $e6635c01, $6b6b51f4, $1c6c6162, $856530d8, $f262004e, $6c0695ed, $1b01a57b, $8208f4c1, $f50fc457, $65b0d9c6, $12b7e950, $8bbeb8ea, $fcb9887c, $62dd1ddf, $15da2d49, $8cd37cf3, $fbd44c65, $4db26158, $3ab551ce, $a3bc0074, $d4bb30e2, $4adfa541, $3dd895d7, $a4d1c46d, $d3d6f4fb, $4369e96a, $346ed9fc, $ad678846, $da60b8d0, $44042d73, $33031de5, $aa0a4c5f, $dd0d7cc9, $5005713c, $270241aa, $be0b1010, $c90c2086, $5768b525, $206f85b3, $b966d409, $ce61e49f, $5edef90e, $29d9c998, $b0d09822, $c7d7a8b4, $59b33d17, $2eb40d81, $b7bd5c3b, $c0ba6cad, $edb88320, $9abfb3b6, $03b6e20c, $74b1d29a, $ead54739, $9dd277af, $04db2615, $73dc1683, $e3630b12, $94643b84, $0d6d6a3e, $7a6a5aa8, $e40ecf0b, $9309ff9d, $0a00ae27, $7d079eb1, $f00f9344, $8708a3d2, $1e01f268, $6906c2fe, $f762575d, $806567cb, $196c3671, $6e6b06e7, $fed41b76, $89d32be0, $10da7a5a, $67dd4acc, $f9b9df6f, $8ebeeff9, $17b7be43, $60b08ed5, $d6d6a3e8, $a1d1937e, $38d8c2c4, $4fdff252, $d1bb67f1, $a6bc5767, $3fb506dd, $48b2364b, $d80d2bda, $af0a1b4c, $36034af6, $41047a60, $df60efc3, $a867df55, $316e8eef, $4669be79, $cb61b38c, $bc66831a, $256fd2a0, $5268e236, $cc0c7795, $bb0b4703, $220216b9, $5505262f, $c5ba3bbe, $b2bd0b28, $2bb45a92, $5cb36a04, $c2d7ffa7, $b5d0cf31, $2cd99e8b, $5bdeae1d, $9b64c2b0, $ec63f226, $756aa39c, $026d930a, $9c0906a9, $eb0e363f, $72076785, $05005713, $95bf4a82, $e2b87a14, $7bb12bae, $0cb61b38, $92d28e9b, $e5d5be0d, $7cdcefb7, $0bdbdf21, $86d3d2d4, $f1d4e242, $68ddb3f8, $1fda836e, $81be16cd, $f6b9265b, $6fb077e1, $18b74777, $88085ae6, $ff0f6a70, $66063bca, $11010b5c, $8f659eff, $f862ae69, $616bffd3, $166ccf45, $a00ae278, $d70dd2ee, $4e048354, $3903b3c2, $a7672661, $d06016f7, $4969474d, $3e6e77db, $aed16a4a, $d9d65adc, $40df0b66, $37d83bf0, $a9bcae53, $debb9ec5, $47b2cf7f, $30b5ffe9, $bdbdf21c, $cabac28a, $53b39330, $24b4a3a6, $bad03605, $cdd70693, $54de5729, $23d967bf, $b3667a2e, $c4614ab8, $5d681b02, $2a6f2b94, $b40bbe37, $c30c8ea1, $5a05df1b, $2d02ef8d ); function crc32_update(inbuffer: pointer; buffersize, crc: DWord): DWord; Function CRCend( crc : DWord ): DWord; Implementation function crc32_update(inbuffer: pointer; buffersize, crc: DWord): DWord; // crc-32. Processes 4 bytes at a time. type PDWord = ^DWord; PByte = ^Byte; var currptr: pointer; i: byte; begin currptr := inbuffer; Result := crc; while buffersize 4 do begin Result := Result xor PDWord(currptr)^; inc(Longint(currptr), 4); Result := (Result shr 8) xor Crc32Tab[Byte(Result)]; Result := (Result shr 8) xor Crc32Tab[Byte(Result)]; Result := (Result shr 8) xor CRC32Tab[Byte(Result)]; Result := (Result shr 8) xor crc32Tab[Byte(Result)]; dec(buffersize, 4); end; for i := 1 to buffersize do begin Result := CRC32tab[Byte(Result xor DWord(PByte(currptr)^))] xor (Result shr 8); inc(Longint(currptr), 1); end; end; Function CRCend( crc : DWord ): DWord; begin CRCend := (crc xor CRCSeed); end; end. Use: CODE {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} program crcmain; uses d3_crc32, sysutils, windows; { take CRC-32 of file in input } var infile: file; crcvalue: DWord; inbuffer: array[1..32768] of byte; amount_read: integer; begin AssignFile(infile, 'crccopy.txt'); Reset(infile, 1); crcvalue := crcseed; blockread(infile, inbuffer, Sizeof(inbuffer), amount_read); repeat crcvalue := crc32_update(@inbuffer, amount_Read, crcvalue); blockread(infile, inbuffer, Sizeof(inbuffer), amount_read); until amount_read = 0; CloseFile(infile); crcvalue := crcend(crcvalue); writeln('CRC-32 Hex: ', IntToHex(crcvalue, 8)); readln; end.