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How to execute the Explorers find file dialog box

Title: How to execute the Explorers find file dialog box uses DDEMan; procedure SearchInFolder(Folder: string); begin with TDDEClientConv.Create(Self) do begin ConnectMode := ddeManual; ServiceApplication := 'Explorer.exe'; SetLink('Folders', 'AppProperties'); OpenLink; ExecuteMacro(PChar('[FindFolder(, ' + Folder + ')]'), False); CloseLink; Free; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin SearchInFolder('c:\Windows'); end; {************************************} // Or even easier with ShellExecute: ShellExecute(Handle, 'find', 'C:\Windows', nil, nil, SW_SHOW); {************************************} uses ShellAPI; procedure WindowsSuchenDialog(Verzeichnis, Suchstring: string); var hOtherWin, hFocusWin: HWND; OtherThreadID, iTimeOut: Integer; aDwordVar: DWORD; buf: array [0..40] of Char; sVerz: string; begin // ShellExecute(application.handle, 'find', 'c:\', nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL); with TDDEClientConv.Create(nil) do begin ConnectMode := ddeManual; ServiceApplication := 'explorer.exe'; SetLink('Folders', 'AppProperties'); OpenLink; sVerz := IncludeTrailingBackslash(Verzeichnis); ExecuteMacro(PChar('[FindFolder(, '+ sVerz +')]'), False); CloseLink; Free; end; iTimeOut := 0; repeat Sleep(100); hOtherWin := GetForegroundWindow; buf[0] := #0; GetClassName(hOtherWin, buf, 60); inc(iTimeOut); until (StrComp(buf, '#32770') = 0) or (StrComp(buf, 'CabinetWClass') = 0) or (iTimeOut 20); if iTimeOut 20 then Exit; repeat { Wait until it is visible } Sleep(100); until IsWindowVisible(hOtherWin); OtherThreadID := GetWindowThreadProcessID(hOtherWin, @aDwordvar); if AttachThreadInput(GetCurrentThreadID, OtherThreadID, True) then begin hFocusWin := GetFocus; if hFocusWin 0 then try SendMessage(hFocusWin, WM_SETTEXT, 0, Longint(PChar(Suchstring))); finally AttachThreadInput(GetCurrentThreadID, OtherThreadID, False); end; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Windows