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How do I write a text file device driver

Title: How do I write a text file device driver? Often being able to run a text source through the standard Delphi text routines (assign, reset, rewrite, readln, read, etc) can be very useful. You can either support a new device or make changes to how a current device is supported. This is an example of how to write one. This example writes to and reads from some things on a console. Text is changed by default to magenta. Bonus: You don't need {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} for this program to work, so this is an improvement on the earlier tip I wrote about in trying to make a universal interface - you can create a console at your option. CODE program tfdd; uses sysutils, windows; { demo of a text file device driver - no need for $APPTYPE C0NS0LE here!} const { color definitions } FOREGROUND_MAGENTA = FOREGROUND_RED or FOREGROUND_BLUE; FOREGROUND_BR_MAGENTA = FOREGROUND_MAGENTA or FOREGROUND_INTENSITY; type IOFunc = function(var F : TTextRec) : integer; var infile, outfile: text; // using different file handles than input/output to // show we are really taking things to console ourselves function CRTinput(var F: TTextRec): integer; { input function for CRT, reads in up to bufsize bytes and places number of bytes actually read into BufEnd. } begin if ReadConsole(F.Handle, F.BufPtr, DWord(F.BufSize), DWord(F.BufEnd), nil) then Result := 0 else Result := 8; F.BufPos := 0; end; function CRTOutput(var F: TTextRec): integer; { output function for CRT, writes BufPos bytes and resets the buffer position } var numwritten: integer; begin if WriteConsole(F.Handle, F.BufPtr, F.BufPos, NumWritten, nil) then Result := 0 else Result := 8; F.BufPos := 0; end; function CRTflush(var F: TTextRec): integer; { flushes the buffer of the file - for input, sets the buffer position and end to 0 - effectively wiping out what is read for output, calls InOutFunc to write the buffer out } var FPtr: IOFunc; begin if F.Mode = fmInput then begin F.BufPos := 0; F.BufEnd := 0; end; if F.Mode = fmOutput then begin FPtr := F.InOutFunc; Result := FPtr(F); // address call to function, if not zero return, quit if Result 0 then exit; end; Result := 0; end; function CRTclose(var F: TTextRec): integer; { called upon close file to do the work, flush buffer if output } var FPtr: IOFunc; begin if F.Mode = fmOutput then // if output then need to flush the buffer } begin FPtr := F.InOutFunc; Result := FPtr(F); // address call to function, if not zero return, quit if Result 0 then exit; end; CloseHandle(F.Handle); // close file here Result := 0; end; function CRTopen(var F: TTextRec): integer; { called by reset/rewrite/append. fmInput, fmOutput, fmInOut this function opens the file for read or write, also sets proper read and write routines for the file } begin F.CloseFunc := @CRTClose; if F.Mode = fmInput then begin F.Handle := GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); // open CRT input handle F.InOutFunc := @CRTInput; F.FlushFunc := @CRTFlush; end; if F.Mode = fmOutput then begin F.Handle := GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); // open CRT output handle F.InOutFunc := @CRTOutput; F.FlushFunc := @CRTFlush; SetConsoleTextAttribute(F.Handle, FOREGROUND_BR_MAGENTA); // to make it do something interesting end; if F.Mode = fmInOut then {F.Mode := fmOutput;} // normally do this, but for CRT, make error: Result := 8 // since fmInOut doesn't make sense else Result := 0; end; procedure CRTassign(var f: Text); { prepares special file for assign } begin // start console FreeConsole; AllocConsole; SetConsoleTitle('CRT Assign Console'); // standard initializations With TTextRec(F) do begin Mode := fmClosed; BufSize := SizeOf(Buffer); BufPtr := @Buffer; OpenFunc := @CrtOpen; Name[0] := #0; end; end; var mystring: string; begin { if we set this to standard input and output, we can condense this section into CRTAssign, or even make this into initialization code for our special file } CRTAssign(Infile); CRTAssign(Outfile); reset(infile); rewrite(Outfile); { *** end section } writeln(outfile, 'test write'); write(outfile, 'now type something to be echoed back to screen: '); readln(infile, mystring); writeln(outfile, 'Echoed text is: ', mystring); write('Press ENTER to quit.'); readln(infile); { close input files - this can be placed into finalization as well } Close(Infile); Close(Outfile); // FreeConsole; is also possible here instead of the two closes end.