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Get Subdirectories of a specified Directory from Delphi

Title: Get Subdirectories of a specified Directory from Delphi When developing applications that need to operate on files and directories it is a common task to, for example, get the list of all sub-directories for a given directory. GetSubDirectories The GetSubDirectories fills a TStrings with all the subdirectories for a given directory: //fils the "list" TStrings with the subdirectories of the "directory" directory procedure GetSubDirectories(const directory : string; list : TStrings) ; var sr : TSearchRec; begin try if FindFirst(IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(directory) + '*.*', faDirectory, sr) then Exit else repeat if ((sr.Attr and faDirectory 0) AND (sr.Name '.') AND (sr.Name '..')) then List.Add(IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(directory) + sr.Name) ; until FindNext(sr) 0; finally SysUtils.FindClose(sr) ; end; end; Usage example 1: GetSubDirectories('c:\', Memo1.Lines) ; Usage example 2: var sl : TStringList; begin sl := TStringList.Create; try GetSubDirectories('c:\', sl) ; ShowMessage('Number of subfolders in "c:\": ' + IntToStr(sl.Count)) ; finally FreeAndNil(sl) ; end; end; Note: this function will not recurse subdirectories - it will only return a list of sub folder on the "first" level. More on directories: Directory Related Delphi Functions and Procedures