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Finding special folders of the shell

Title: Finding special folders of the shell Question: Sometimes it is necessary to find some special shell folder like Programs, Start Menu, Startup, Favorites or other. Answer: This can be easy found in the registry. Dont forget to bind the unit Registry to your uses clause. const cShellAppData = 'AppData'; cShellCache = 'Cache'; cShellCookies = 'Cookies'; cShellDesktop = 'Desktop'; cShellFavorites = 'Favorites'; cShellFonts = 'Fonts'; cShellHistory = 'History'; cShellLocalApp = 'Local AppData'; cShellNetHood = 'NetHood'; cShellPersonal = 'Personal'; cShellPrintHood = 'PrintHood'; cShellPrograms = 'Programs'; cShellRecent = 'Recent'; cShellSendTo = 'SendTo'; cShellStartMenu = 'Start Menu'; CShellStartUp = 'Startup'; cShellTemplates = 'Templates'; function GetShellFolder (const folder: string):string; const cWin32 = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion'; cSHellPrefix = '\Explorer\Shell Folders'; var r: TRegistry; begin Result:= ''; r:= TRegistry.Create; try r.Rootkey:=HKEY_CURRENT_USER; // Make no difference between NT and 95/98! if r.OpenKey (cWin32 + cShellPrefix, False) then Result:= r.ReadString (folder) + '\'; finally r.Free; end; end; Example: To get the "Program Files" folder simply call folder:= GetShellFolder (cShellPrograms);