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Easy Parsing an XML File

Title: Easy Parsing an XML File Question: In modern times, a configuration file has to be an XML standard so you want to parse that file to get the elements from corresponding nodes. Answer: First you have to import the Type library. This will create a wrapper class for that component and all you have to do is to name it in uses in your unit. I used msxml.dll(Version 2.0) to install the XML parsing components in the IDE through the Import Type Library option. See for more details: Importing XML DOM Parser in Delphi /ID 2021 Second we produce a simple XML file like a configuration file: (Name the file myconfig.xml) (Strange things happen (cause the xml interpreter in d3k-editor) with a well-formed file after submit the article, so I had to cancel first tags between databases and databases ) please download the file: ****************************************************************************** ?xml version="1.0"? {databases database db="InterBase" connection nameTrueSoft pathsuperPath userMaxMin /connection /database database db="myMax" connection namemaXml serverkylix02 usercarpeDiem /connection /database /databases} ***************************************************************************** Third we build the procedure that parses 3 elements and assign it to strings: myname, mypath, myuser: string[255]; The accID and idNr are just to make the procedure more flexible for permissions and node navigation. The whole procedure goes like this: 1. Find the file myconfig.xml 2. Create the interface pointer xmlDoc 3. Load the XML file 4. Check the error handling with xmlDoc.parseError 5. Select the node 6. Check if it has childs 7. Get the nodelist and assign the elements to strings ***************************************************************************** procedure TForm1.parseXML; var SRec1: TSearchRec; accID: boolean; idNr: byte; myXMLpath: string; xmlDoc: IXMLDomDocument2; xmlnode: IXMLDomNode; xmlnodelist: IXMLDomNodeList; myname, mypath, myuser: string[255]; begin accID:= true; idNr:= 1; myXMLpath:= extractFilePath(Application.ExeName); if FindFirst (myXMLpath+'myconfig.xml',faAnyFile,SRec1)=0 then begin xmlDoc:= CoDomDocument30.Create; xmlDoc.validateOnParse := True; xmlDoc.async := False; xmlDoc.load(myXMLpath+'myconfig.xml'); if xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode = 0 then begin if accID then begin xmlDoc.setProperty('SelectionLanguage','XPath'); xmlnode := xmlDoc.selectSingleNode('//databases/database [@db='+''''+'InterBase'+''''+ ']'); if xmlnode.hasChildNodes then begin if (idNR 0) then begin xmlnodelist := xmlnode.childNodes.item[(idNR-1)].selectNodes ('name'); if xmlnodelist.length 0 then myname:=xmlnode.childNodes.item[(idNR-1)].selectNodes('name').item [0].text; xmlnodelist := xmlnode.childNodes.item[(idNR-1)].selectNodes ('path'); if xmlnodelist.length 0 then mypath:=xmlnode.childNodes.item[(idNR-1)].selectNodes('path').item [0].text; xmlnodelist := xmlnode.childNodes.item[(idNR-1)].selectNodes ('user'); if xmlnodelist.length 0 then myuser:=xmlnode.childNodes.item[(idNR-1)].selectNodes('user').item [0].text; end; end else showmessage('no XML Childs'); end else showmessage('no permission'); end else begin showmessage('load XML error'); xmlDoc := NIL; FindClose(SRec1) end; end else showmessage('no XML file'); end; Carpe Diem...