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Drive DirList FileList Combo

Title: Drive DirList FileList Combo Question: Save Coding / Configuration time with Drive combo, DirList, FileList and an EditContol to show the current file. Answer: I have placed the TDriveComboBox, TDirListBox and TFileListBox along with an TEdit contol on left and right TPanels and all these controls arranged in a userfreindly manner to save configuration time. The embeded controls are declared as public to enable accessiing individual controls as needed. Click on the Edit control (at the bottom) to get focus to the control during design. Even to move around hold the mouse down on the Edit cotrol at the bottom. Though a bit tricky to handle at design time easy to use. This installs in 'Sample' pallette. Let me add splitters in next version. Follow the usual procedure to install the component. //============================================================================ unit Dir_FileList; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Controls, ExtCtrls, FileCtrl,stdCtrls; type TDir_FileList = class(TPanel) private { Private declarations } protected { Protected declarations } procedure Dir_FileList1Resize(Sender: TObject); procedure DC_FileListBox1Change(Sender: TObject); public { Public declarations } pnlLeft,pnlRight : TPanel ; constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; published { Published declarations } DC_DirCombo : TDriveComboBox ; DC_DirList : TDirectoryListBox; DC_FileListBox : TFileListBox; DC_Edit : TEdit; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Samples', [TDir_FileList]); end; constructor TDir_FileList.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; width := 300 ; Height := 300 ; OnResize := Dir_FileList1Resize; DC_DirCombo := TDriveComboBox.Create(pnlLeft) ; DC_DirList := TDirectoryListBox.Create(pnlLeft); DC_FileListBox := TFileListBox.Create(pnlRight); DC_Edit := TEdit.create(self); with DC_Edit do begin Parent := Self; Align := alBottom; end; pnlLeft := TPanel.create(Self) ; with pnlLeft do begin Parent := self; Align := alLeft ; width := Self.Width div 2 ; end; with DC_DirCombo do begin Parent := pnlLeft ; Align := alTop; DirList := DC_DirList ; end; with DC_DirList do begin Parent := pnlLeft ; Align := alClient ; FileList := DC_FileListBox ; end; pnlRight := TPanel.create(Self) ; with pnlRight do begin Parent := self; Align := alClient ; end; with DC_FileListBox do begin Parent := pnlRight ; Align := alClient ; OnChange := DC_FileListBox1Change ; end; end; procedure TDir_FileList.DC_FileListBox1Change(Sender: TObject); begin DC_Edit.Text := DC_FileListBox.FileName ; end; procedure TDir_FileList.Dir_FileList1Resize(Sender: TObject); begin pnlLeft.width := Self.Width div 2 ; end; end.