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DISConfigEx an Alternative to ini file

Title: DISConfigEx an Alternative to ini file Question: An easy alternative to the ini file, file are defined like the following var0 := 1.00; var1 := 1; var2 := true; // string var3 := hello world; // multiline string var4 := hello\nworld; Easy variable declaring, use of comments, can be used as a file, registry, stream ... Anyhow enjoy Answer: unit DISConfigEx; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Registry {$IFNDEF VER130},Variants{$ENDIF}; type TDISCustomConfigOption = (coAutoStripComments, coAutoStripBlanks, coAutoCreateVars, coAutoRemoveDeletedRegistryEntries, coReadOnly, coDisableDelete, coDisableEdit, coDisableInsert); TDISCustomConfigOptions = set of TDISCustomConfigOption; TDISLoadMode = (lmUnknown, lmFile, lmRegistry); TDISRootKey = (HKeyClassesRoot, HKeyCurrentUser, HKeyLocalMachine, HKeyUsers, HKeyPerformanceData, HKeyCurrentConfig, HKeyDynData); TDISCustomConfigEx = class(TComponent) private { Private declarations } fLoadMode : TDISLoadMode; fOptions : TDISCustomConfigOptions; fModified : Boolean; fVariableList : TStringList; fDeletedRegValues : TStringList; fOnLoadError : TNotifyEvent; fOnSaveError : TNotifyEvent; function GetVariable(Variable: string ): Variant; procedure SetVariable(Variable: string; const Value: Variant); procedure CleanUpConfigFile; function SetVariableLine(Variable: string; const Value: Variant): string; procedure SetOptions(const Value: TDISCustomConfigOptions); protected { Protected declarations } property Options: TDISCustomConfigOptions read fOptions write SetOptions; property OnLoadError : TNotifyEvent read fOnLoadError write fOnLoadError; property OnSaveError : TNotifyEvent read fOnSaveError write fOnSaveError; public { Public declarations } constructor Create ( AOwner : TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure LoadFromFile ( const Filename : string ); procedure LoadFromStream ( AStream : TStream ); procedure SaveToFile ( const Filename : string ); procedure SaveToStream ( AStream : TStream ); procedure LoadFromRegistry ( RootKey : TDISRootKey; Key : String; ComputerName : String = '' ); procedure SaveToRegistry ( RootKey : TDISRootKey; Key : String; ComputerName : String = '' ); procedure DeleteRegistryKey ( RootKey : TDISRootKey; Key : String; ComputerName : String = '' ); function HasRegistryKey ( RootKey : TDISRootKey; Key : String; ComputerName : String = '' ) : boolean; procedure Clear; function HasVariable ( Variable : string ) : boolean; procedure DeleteVariable ( Variable : string ); function Count : integer; function VariableCount : integer; property Modified : boolean read fModified; property LoadMode : TDISLoadMode read fLoadMode; property Lines : TStringList read fVariableList; property Variable[ Variable : string ]: Variant read GetVariable write SetVariable; published { Published declarations } end; TDISConfigEx = class(TDISCustomConfigEx) published property Options; property OnLoadError; property OnSaveError; end; implementation var DISRootKeys : array[TDISRootKey] of HKey = (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,HKEY_CURRENT_USER,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_USERS,HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA,HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG,HKEY_DYN_DATA); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Procedure - ReplaceSubSet // Author - RB // Date - 07-Apr-2003 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function ReplaceSubSet ( Value, Value1, Value2 : String ) : String; var Ts : String; i : integer; begin Ts := Value; if pos(AnsiUpperCase(Value1),AnsiUpperCase(Ts)) begin Result := Value; exit; end; i := pos(AnsiUpperCase(Value1),AnsiUpperCase(Ts)); Delete(Ts,i,length(Value1)); Insert(Value2,Ts,i); Result := Ts; end; { TDISConfigEx } {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure: TDISCustomConfigEx.Create Author: ronald Date: 11-Jul-2002 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} constructor TDISCustomConfigEx.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); fVariableList := TStringList.Create; fDeletedRegValues := TStringList.Create; fLoadMode := lmUnknown; fModified := False; fOptions := [coAutoCreateVars,coAutoRemoveDeletedRegistryEntries]; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure: TDISCustomConfigEx.Destroy Author: ronald Date: 11-Jul-2002 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} destructor TDISCustomConfigEx.Destroy; begin if assigned(fVariableList) then begin fVariableList.Clear; fVariableList.Free; end; if assigned(fDeletedRegValues) then begin fDeletedRegValues.Clear; fDeletedRegValues.Free; end; inherited; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure: TDISCustomConfigEx.VariableCount Author: ronald Date: 12-Jul-2002 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TDISCustomConfigEx.VariableCount: integer; var i : integer; Ts : String; begin Result := 0; i := 0; while i begin Ts := fVariableList[i]; if pos(':=',Ts) 0 then begin inc(Result); end; inc(i); end; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure: TDISCustomConfigEx.HasVariable Author: ronald Date: 11-Jul-2002 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TDISCustomConfigEx.HasVariable(Variable: string): boolean; var i : integer; Ts : String; fVariable : String; begin Result := False; i := 0; while i begin Ts := fVariableList[i]; fVariable := ''; if pos(':=',Ts) 0 then begin fVariable := Trim(copy(Ts,1,pos(':=',Ts)-1)); end; if ansisametext(Variable,fVariable) then begin Result := True; break; end else inc(i); end; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure: TDISCustomConfigEx.DeleteVariable Author: ronald Date: 12-Jul-2002 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TDISCustomConfigEx.DeleteVariable(Variable: string); var i : integer; Ts : String; fVariable : String; begin if (coDisableDelete in fOptions) then exit; i := 0; while i begin Ts := fVariableList[i]; fVariable := ''; if pos(':=',Ts) 0 then begin fVariable := Trim(copy(Ts,1,pos(':=',Ts)-1)); end; if ansisametext(Variable,fVariable) then begin fVariableList.Delete(i); if FLoadMode = lmRegistry then begin if fDeletedRegValues.IndexOf(Variable) = -1 then fDeletedRegValues.Add(Variable); end; fModified := True; break; end else inc(i); end; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure: TDISCustomConfigEx.GetVariable Author: ronald Date: 11-Jul-2002 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TDISCustomConfigEx.GetVariable(Variable: string): Variant; var i : integer; Ts : String; fVariable : String; fValue : String; begin Result := VarEmpty; i := 0; while i begin Ts := fVariableList[i]; fVariable := ''; if pos(':=',Ts) 0 then begin fVariable := Trim(copy(Ts,1,pos(':=',Ts)-1)); System.Delete(Ts,1,pos(':=',Ts)+1); Ts := Trim(Ts); if pos(';',Ts) 0 then Ts := copy(Ts,1,pos(';',Ts)-1); while pos('\n',Ts) 0 do Ts := ReplaceSubSet(Ts,'\n',#13#10); end; fValue := Ts; if ansisametext(Variable,fVariable) then begin Result := fValue; break; end else inc(i); end; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure: TDISCustomConfigEx.SetVariableLine Author: ronald Date: 11-Jul-2002 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TDISCustomConfigEx.SetVariableLine ( Variable : string; const Value : Variant ) : string; var Ts : String; begin case VarType(Value) of varDate : Result := Format('%s := %f;',[Variable,VarToDateTime(Value)]); else Ts := VarToStr(Value); while pos(#13#10,Ts) 0 do Ts := ReplaceSubSet(Ts,#13#10,'\n'); Result := Format('%s := %s;',[Variable,VarToStr(Value)]); end; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure: TDISCustomConfigEx.SetVariable Author: ronald Date: 11-Jul-2002 When the variable does not exist it will be created. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TDISCustomConfigEx.SetVariable(Variable: string; const Value: Variant); var i : integer; Ts : String; fVariable : String; Found : Boolean; begin i := 0; Found := False; while i begin Ts := fVariableList[i]; fVariable := ''; if pos(':=',Ts) 0 then begin fVariable := Trim(copy(Ts,1,pos(':=',Ts)-1)); end; if ansisametext(Variable,fVariable) then begin if not (coDisableEdit in fOptions) then begin Ts := SetVariableLine ( fVariable, Value ); fVariableList[i] := Ts; fModified := True; end; Found := True; break; end else inc(i); end; if not Found then begin if not (coDisableInsert in fOptions) and (coAutoCreateVars in fOptions) then begin Ts := SetVariableLine ( Variable, Value ); fVariableList.Add(Ts); fModified := True; end; end; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure: TDISCustomConfigEx.CleanUpConfigFile Author: ronald Date: 11-Jul-2002 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TDISCustomConfigEx.CleanUpConfigFile; var i : integer; begin i := 0; while i begin fVariableList[i] := Trim(fVariableList[i]); if (copy(fVariableList[i],1,2) = '//') and (coAutoStripComments in fOptions) then fVariableList.Delete(i) else if (fVariableList[i] = '') and (coAutoStripBlanks in fOptions) then fVariableList.Delete(i) else inc(i); end; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure: TDISCustomConfigEx.LoadFromFile Author: ronald Date: 11-Jul-2002 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TDISCustomConfigEx.LoadFromFile(const Filename: string); begin if FileExists(FileName) then begin fModified := False; fVariableList.Clear; try fVariableList.LoadFromFile(FileName); fLoadMode := lmFile; except if assigned(fOnLoadError) then fOnLoadError(Self); end; CleanUpConfigFile; end else begin if assigned(fOnLoadError) then fOnLoadError(Self); end; end; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Procedure - TDISCustomConfigEx.LoadFromStream // Author - RB // Date - 16-Oct-2003 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TDISCustomConfigEx.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream); begin try fVariableList.LoadFromStream(AStream); except if assigned(fOnLoadError) then fOnLoadError(Self); end; end; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Procedure - TDISCustomConfigEx.SaveToStream // Author - RB // Date - 16-Oct-2003 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TDISCustomConfigEx.SaveToStream(AStream: TStream); begin try fVariableList.SaveToStream(AStream); except if assigned(fOnSaveError) then fOnSaveError(Self); end; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure: TDISCustomConfigEx.SaveToFile Author: ronald Date: 11-Jul-2002 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TDISCustomConfigEx.SaveToFile(const Filename: string); begin if (coReadOnly in fOptions) then exit; try fVariableList.SaveToFile(FileName); except if assigned(fOnSaveError) then fOnSaveError(Self); end; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure: TDISCustomConfigEx.Clear Author: ronald Date: 12-Jul-2002 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TDISCustomConfigEx.Clear; begin fVariableList.Clear; fModified := False; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure: TDISCustomConfigEx.SetOptions Author: ronald Date: 12-Jul-2002 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TDISCustomConfigEx.SetOptions( const Value: TDISCustomConfigOptions); begin fOptions := Value; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure: TDISCustomConfigEx.Count Author: ronald Date: 12-Jul-2002 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TDISCustomConfigEx.Count: integer; begin Result := fVariableList.Count; end; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Procedure - TDISCustomConfigEx.LoadFromRegistry // Author - RB // Date - 07-Apr-2003 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TDISCustomConfigEx.LoadFromRegistry(RootKey: TDISRootKey; Key: String; ComputerName : String = ''); var Reg : TRegistry; Tl : TStringList; i,size : integer; Ts : String; CV,Ok : Boolean; begin fModified := False; fVariableList.Clear; fDeletedRegValues.Clear; Tl := TStringList.Create; Reg := TRegistry.Create; Reg.RootKey := DISRootKeys[RootKey]; Ok := True; if Trim(ComputerName) '' then begin Ok := False; if Reg.RegistryConnect(ComputerName) then Ok := True else begin if assigned(fOnLoadError) then fOnLoadError(Self); end; end; if Ok then begin if Reg.OpenKeyReadOnly(key) then begin fLoadMode := lmRegistry; Reg.getValueNames(Tl); for i := 0 to Tl.Count - 1 do begin Ts := ''; CV := False; case Reg.GetDataType(Tl[i]) of rdUnknown,rdExpandString,rdBinary : ; rdString : begin Ts := Reg.ReadString(Tl[i]); CV := True; end; rdInteger : begin Ts := IntToStr(Reg.ReadInteger(Tl[i])); CV := True; end; end; if CV then fVariableList.Add(format('%s := %s;',[Tl[i],Ts])); end; end else begin if assigned(fOnLoadError) then fOnLoadError(Self); end; end; Reg.Free; Tl.Free; end; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Procedure - TDISCustomConfigEx.SaveToRegistry // Author - RB // Date - 07-Apr-2003 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TDISCustomConfigEx.SaveToRegistry(RootKey: TDISRootKey; Key: String; ComputerName : String = ''); var Reg : TRegistry; i : integer; fVariable,Ts : String; Ok : Boolean; begin Reg := TRegistry.Create; Reg.RootKey := DISRootKeys[RootKey]; Ok := True; if Trim(ComputerName) '' then begin Ok := False; if Reg.RegistryConnect(ComputerName) then Ok := True else begin if assigned(fOnSaveError) then fOnLoadError(Self); end; end; if Ok then begin if Reg.OpenKey(key,true) then begin if (coAutoRemoveDeletedRegistryEntries in fOptions) then begin for i := 0 to fDeletedRegValues.Count - 1 do Reg.DeleteValue(fDeletedRegValues[i]); end; i := 0; while i begin Ts := fVariableList[i]; fVariable := ''; if pos(':=',Ts) 0 then begin fVariable := Trim(copy(Ts,1,pos(':=',Ts)-1)); System.Delete(Ts,1,pos(':=',Ts)+1); Ts := Trim(Ts); if pos(';',Ts) 0 then Ts := copy(Ts,1,pos(';',Ts)-1); Ts := Trim(Ts); try Reg.WriteString(fVariable,Ts); except if assigned(fOnSaveError) then begin fOnSaveError(Self); break; end; end; end; inc(i); end; end else begin if assigned(fOnSaveError) then fOnSaveError(Self); end; end; Reg.Free; end; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Procedure - TDISCustomConfigEx.DeleteRegistryKey // Author - RB // Date - 07-Apr-2003 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TDISCustomConfigEx.DeleteRegistryKey(RootKey: TDISRootKey; Key: String; ComputerName : String = ''); var Reg : TRegistry; Ok : Boolean; begin Reg := TRegistry.Create; Reg.RootKey := DISRootKeys[RootKey]; Ok := True; if Trim(ComputerName) '' then begin Ok := False; if Reg.RegistryConnect(ComputerName) then Ok := True end; if Ok then begin try Reg.deletekey(key); except end; end; Reg.Free; end; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Procedure - TDISCustomConfigEx.HasRegistryKey // Author - RB // Date - 07-Apr-2003 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TDISCustomConfigEx.HasRegistryKey(RootKey: TDISRootKey; Key: String; ComputerName : String = '') : boolean; var Reg : TRegistry; Ok : Boolean; begin Result := False; Reg := TRegistry.Create; Reg.RootKey := DISRootKeys[RootKey]; Ok := True; if Trim(ComputerName) '' then begin Ok := False; if Reg.RegistryConnect(ComputerName) then Ok := True end; if Ok then begin try Result := Reg.KeyExists(Key); except end; end; Reg.Free; end; end.