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Demo of file copying (TFileStream) in a thread (TThread)

Title: Demo of file copying (TFileStream) in a thread (TThread). Question: Demo of file coping (TFileStream) in a thread (TThread). It also resumes copying of files that have been partialy copied. Answer: unit copythread; interface uses Classes, SysUtils; Const KB1 = 1024; MB1 = 1024*KB1; GB1 = 1024*MB1; type TCopyFile = class(TThread) public Percent : Integer; Done,ToDo : Integer; Start : TDateTime; constructor Create(Src, Dest: String); private { Private declarations } IName,OName : String; protected procedure Execute; override; end; implementation { TCopyFile } constructor TCopyFile.Create(Src, Dest : String); begin IName := Src; OName := Dest; Percent := 0; Start := Now; FreeOnTerminate := True; inherited Create(True); end; procedure TCopyFile.Execute; var fi,fo : TFileStream; dod,did : Integer; cnt,max : Integer; begin Start := Now; try { Open existing destination } fo := TFileStream.Create(OName, fmOpenReadWrite); fo.Position:=fo.size; except { otherwise Create destination } fo := TFileStream.Create(OName, fmCreate); end; try { open source } fi := TFileStream.Create(IName, fmOpenRead); try { synchronise dest en src } cnt:= fo.Position; fi.Position := cnt; max := fi.Size; ToDo := Max-cnt; Done := 0; { start copying } Repeat dod := MB1; // Block size if cnt+dodmax then dod := max-cnt; if dod0 then did := fo.CopyFrom(fi, dod); cnt:=cnt+did; Percent := Round(Cnt/Max*100); Done := Done+did; ToDo := Max; until (dod=0) or (Terminated); finally; end; finally; end; end; end.