Mega Code Archive

Categories / Delphi / Files

Convert a partitionfile size to a String

Title: convert a partition/file size to a String? {************************************************ Formats a partition-/file size Gibt eine Partitions-/Dateigröße im Klartext aus *************************************************} uses SysUtils,...; function BytesToStr(const i64Size: Int64): string; const i64GB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; i64MB = 1024 * 1024; i64KB = 1024; begin if i64Size div i64GB 0 then Result := Format('%.2f GB', [i64Size / i64GB]) else if i64Size div i64MB 0 then Result := Format('%.2f MB', [i64Size / i64MB]) else if i64Size div i64KB 0 then Result := Format('%.2f KB', [i64Size / i64KB]) else Result := IntToStr(i64Size) + ' Byte(s)'; end;