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Component to read text files delimited or fixed

Title: Component to read text files delimited or fixed Question: How to read text files, delimited by any character or fixed ? Answer: unit ArqTexto; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Dialogs; type TTipos = (ftFixed, ftDelimited); TArqTexto = class(TComponent) private { Private declarations } FAct: Boolean; FAut: String; FEml: String; FArq: TextFile; FTxt: String; FDel: String; FRes: TStrings; FLay: TStrings; FLin: Integer; FMax: Integer; FVer: String; FTip: TTipos; TmpInt: Integer; TmpStr: TStrings; TmpChr: String; function VldChr(Value: String): String; procedure SetActive(Value: Boolean); procedure SetLine(Value: Integer); procedure SetFileName(Value: String); procedure SetDelimiter(Value: String); procedure SetFileType(Value: TTipos); procedure SetLayout(Value: TStrings); protected { Protected declarations } public { Public declarations } constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Connect; procedure Disconnect; published { Published declarations } property Active: Boolean read FAct write SetActive; property Author: String read FAut write TmpChr; property EMail: String read FEml write TmpChr; property FileName: String read FTxt write SetFileName; property FileType: TTipos read FTip write SetFileType; property Delimiter: String read FDel write SetDelimiter; property Line: Integer read FLin write SetLine; property Layout: TStrings read FLay write SetLayout; property MaxLines: Integer read FMax write TmpInt; property Result: TStrings read FRes write TmpStr; property Version: String read FVer write TmpChr; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Standard', [TArqTexto]); end; constructor TArqTexto.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FRes := TStringList.Create; FRes.Clear; FLay := TStringList.Create; FLay.Clear; FAut := 'Marcelo Torres'; FEml := ''; FVer := '2.00'; FAct := False; FDel := ';'; FTip := ftDelimited; FTxt := ''; FLin := 0; FMax := 0; end; destructor TArqTexto.Destroy; begin FRes.Free; FLay.Free; try CloseFile(FArq); except end; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TArqTexto.SetLayout(Value: TStrings); begin FLay.Assign(Value); if FAct and (FTip = ftFixed) then begin FRes.Clear; FLin := 1; SetLine(1); end; end; procedure TArqTexto.SetFileType(Value: TTipos); var Mudou: Boolean; begin Mudou := FTip Value; FTip := Value; if Mudou and FAct then if FTip = ftFixed then begin FRes.Clear; if FLay.Count 0 then begin FLin := 1; SetLine(1); end; end else begin FRes.Clear; FLin := 1; SetLine(1); end; end; procedure TArqTexto.SetFileName(Value: String); begin if Value '' then if UpperCase(FTxt) UpperCase(Value) then begin try CloseFile(FArq); except end; FAct := False; FTxt := Value; FMax := 0; FLin := 0; FRes.Clear; end; end; procedure TArqTexto.SetDelimiter(Value: String); begin if Value '' then if UpperCase(FDel) UpperCase(Value) then if FTip = ftDelimited then begin try CloseFile(FArq); except end; FAct := False; FDel := Copy(Value,1,1); end; end; procedure TArqTexto.SetActive(Value: Boolean); var Ind: Integer; Lin: String; begin if Value then begin if FTxt = '' then begin ShowMessage('Filename is missing'); FAct := False; Exit; end; if FileExists(FTxt) then begin AssignFile(FArq, FTxt); Ind := 0; Reset(FArq); while not Eof(FArq) do begin Inc(Ind); ReadLn(FArq, Lin); end; FMax := Ind; Reset(FArq); SetLine(1); FAct := True; end else begin ShowMessage('File "'+FTxt+'" not found'); FAct := False; end; end else begin try CloseFile(FArq); except end; FAct := False; FLin := 0; FMax := 0; FRes.Clear; end; end; procedure TArqTexto.SetLine(Value: Integer); var Ind: Integer; Cmp: String; Lin: String; Ini: String; Fim: String; IndCmp: String; begin if FAct and (Value 0) then begin if Value FMax then Value := FMax; Ind := 1; Reset(FArq); while Ind ReadLn(FArq, Lin); Inc(Ind); end; Cmp := ''; FRes.Clear; if FTip = ftDelimited then begin for Ind := 1 to Length(Lin) do begin if Copy(Lin, Ind, 1) = FDel then begin FRes.Add(Cmp); Cmp := ''; end else if Copy(Lin, Ind, 1) = ' ' then Cmp := Cmp + Copy(Lin, Ind, 1); end; if Length(Cmp) 0 then FRes.Add(Cmp); end; if FTip = ftFixed then for Ind := 0 to FLay.Count-1 do begin IndCmp := VldChr(FLay[Ind]); if Pos('-', IndCmp) 0 then begin Ini := Copy(IndCmp, 1, Pos('-', IndCmp)-1); Fim := Copy(IndCmp, Pos('-', IndCmp)+1, Length(IndCmp)-Pos('-', IndCmp)); if (Ini '') and (Fim '') then begin Cmp := Copy(Lin, StrToInt(Ini), StrToInt(Fim)-StrToInt(Ini)+1); FRes.Add(Cmp); end; end; end; FLin := Value; end else FLin := 0; end; function TArqTexto.VldChr(Value: String): String; var Ind: Integer; Txt: String; begin Txt := ''; for Ind := 1 to Length(Value) do if Pos(Copy(Value, Ind, 1), '1234567890-') 0 then Txt := Txt + Copy(Value, Ind, 1); Result := Txt; end; procedure TArqTexto.Connect; begin SetActive(True); end; procedure TArqTexto.Disconnect; begin SetActive(False); end; end. ------------------- Instalation: Install this code as a component. Menu Component, Install Component. Into new package. Enter the name of package and click in button "Install". Use: To use this component, just set the properties: FileName: Name of file to read FileType: Type of file (fixed or delimited) Delimiter: Character to delimiter the fields (in case of delimited type) Layout: Positions of the fields (in case of fixed type) Active: True=Open file, False=Close file. Line: Number of line to read. How to set "Layout" property ? Very simple. Put the positions of fields. One field definition by line. For example: 1-8 20-40 10-15 In this example, we have: Field 1: Initial position is 1 and final position is 8 Field 2: Initial position is 20 and final position is 40 Field 3: Initial position is 10 and final position is 15 All results of read will be write in "Result" property.