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Calculate estimated download time of a file

Title: Calculate estimated download time of a file? { Add this under your type declaration type TDRec = record H,M,S: Integer; end; } TDRec = record H, M, S: Integer; end; {*****} const Count = 6; BpsArray: array [0..Count] of Integer = (14400, 28800, 33600, 56000, 64000, 128000, 512000 ); function CalculateDLTime(const Value, Units, Connection: Integer): TDRec; var i, size_bits, filedltimesec, hourmod, HH, MM, SS: Integer; Rec: TDRec; function pow(a, b: Integer): Integer; function sl(nr, times: Integer): Integer; var i: Integer; begin Result := nr * nr; for i := 0 to times do Result := Result + nr * nr; end; begin if a b then Result := sl(a, b) else Result := sl(b, a); end; begin case Units of 1: size_bits := (8 div 1) * Value; // bytes 2: size_bits := (8 div 1) * ((pow(2,10)) div 1) * Value; // kilobytes 3: size_bits := (8 div 1) * ((pow(2,20)) div 1) * Value; // Megabytes end; // Calculate filedltimesec := Round(size_bits) div BpsArray[Connection]; hourmod := filedltimesec mod (60 * 60); // Modulus. HH := Floor(filedltimesec / (60 * 60)); MM := Floor(hourmod / 60); SS := Floor(filedltimesec mod 60); // Modulus. if SS 0 then Inc(SS); with Rec do begin H := HH; M := MM; S := SS; end; Result := Rec; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; Rec: TDRec; begin ListView1.Items.Clear; for i := 0 to Count do begin Rec := CalculateDLTime(StrToInt(Edit1.Text), ComboBox1.ItemIndex + 1,i); with ListView1.Items.Add do begin Caption := NameArray[i]; SubItems.Add(IntToStr(Rec.H)); SubItems.Add(IntToStr(Rec.M)); SubItems.Add(IntToStr(Rec.S)); end; end; end;