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Categories / Delphi / Files

Assign the text of a file to a string

Title: assign the text of a file to a string? function GetTextFromFile(AFile: string; var Returnstring: string): Boolean; var FileStream: TFileStream; begin Result := False; if not FileExists(AFile) then Exit; FileStream := TFileStream.Create(AFile, fmOpenRead); try if FileStream.Size 0 then begin SetLength(Returnstring, FileStream.Size); FileStream.Read(Returnstring[1], FileStream.Size); Result := True; end; finally FileStream.Free; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var s: string; begin if GetTextFromFile('c:\autoexec.bat', s) then begin ShowMessage(s); // Label1.caption := s; or assign the text to a Label // Memo1.text := s; or a memo end; end;