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Append one file to other

Title: Append one file to other You may copy contents of a first file to [new.$] file. After that, you may add contents of a second file to [new.$] and then delete first file and rename [new.$] file to name of the first file. procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); var Str: string; F1, F2, F3: TextFile; begin Label3.Caption:='Processing...'; AssignFile(F1, Edit1.Text); AssignFile(F2, Edit2.Text); AssignFile(F3, 'new.$'); Reset(F1); Reset(F2); Rewrite(F3); while not(EOF(F1)) do begin Readln(F1, Str); Writeln(F3, Str); end; while not(EOF(F2)) do begin Readln(F2, Str); Writeln(F3, Str); end; CloseFile(F1); CloseFile(F2); CloseFile(F3); DeleteFile(ExtractFileName(Edit1.Text)); RenameFile('new.$', ExtractFileName(Edit1.Text)); DeleteFile('new.$'); Label3.Caption:='Processing done'; end;